Tuesday, October 21, 2008


This bird awoke in me a range of emotions. I was immediately awed by the majesty of nature, nearly blinded by her beauty. I thought, how fortuitous am I? I must be the luckiest bastard to find a living animal in a Worcester pond and I even had my camera to prove it. The last positive feeling I remember was the sun caressing my face as I raised my camera to shoot. Then it was only: Fuck this outcropping, fuck this embankment, fuck this vantage point, fuck this shutter speed, and a big fuck you to this lens. As I struggled to keep my pants up and my camera from falling my feathered subject spread his massive wings and took flight. His grace and poise made me stop, paralyzed by emotion. All I could think was: Fuck that bird. And my whole day was irreparably ruined.

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